We build to save the planet
Low carbon materials
Energy savings
Zero waste
Reduce the carbon footprint of construction projects by using wood and other sustainable alternative materials in place of the high emission traditional concrete and steel structures.
Seek and co-operate with solution providers that have technological innovations enhancing energy efficiency in buildings with improved materials and renewable energy solutions.
Optimize waste by helping to develop a local circular economies for construction materials from destroyed buildings, reducing landfill contributions and lowering costs for builders.
Build housing and social infrastructure (kindergarten, schools, health clinics), create local jobs and offer training to enhance the well-being of vulnerable communities.
Our services
We provide comprehensive turnkey solutions for low-carbon urban development, from innovative architectural design and life cycle assessments to securing funding and project management.
We help you plan a project
We provide architectural designs and development plans for low-carbon housing projects that offer compounding social impact to local communities in vulnerable regions.
We seek the right funding for it
We measure the projects environmental and social impact potential and help match it with the right funding instruments, from public to philanthrophic and impact investments.
We manage the project development and find the right partners to succeed. Our strategy is not just to build better, but to help local communities to develop by offering training and job opportunities wherever we operate.
We manage the project development
Our projects
Provide a short summary of your recent projects, highlighting the most important things.
Nikolske Village
Out of 900 communities in Ukraine more than 50 communities have already been relocated as a result of the war.
The Nikolske Village in Mariupol district, Donetsk region has 1,400 internally displaced persons (IDP) in need of housing. The territory of the community in Mariupol is currently occupied and virtually destroyed.
We are building sustainable social housing and social infrastructure for the IDP of Nikolske village. The project is developed in collaboration with the Nikolske Village Council of the Mariupol District of Donetsk Region and the All-Ukrainian Association of Communities (AUAC).
The project provides a scalable model for sustainable, low-carbon social housing for the other Ukrainian communities and their internally displaced people in Ukraine.
Za'atari maternity polyclinic
Za'atari in Jordan is the world's largest camp for Syrian refugees with a population of +80,000 people and over 20,000 recorded births in the camp.
m2impact is building a maternity polyclinic in Za'atari. The project is a pilot for a new model of UNFPA maternity and health clinics for UNFPA to be implemented globally.
The project is developed in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Jordan Health Aid Society International (JHASI).